30 August 2012
26 August 2012
FOCUS: "Stuff i Gotta Remember Not to Forget" by Darin Mickey
"The concept behind Darin Mickey’s photobook is relatively straightforward, in 2001 he began following his father around, documenting his life at work and at home. This photobook has developed into a desire by the photographer to understand what his father did as a salesman and who he was. Mickey created a broader narrative by including his father at home, and those things about home that might define a person. As an investigation into identity, it was directed at his subject, his fathers and indirectly it is about his own identity."
in PhotoBook
Maybe because I have a certain fascination with rovers that wander away from the glamour spotlight of the 'travelers', this photo book from Darin caught my attention. The reason I am suggesting it here is because the execution is remarkable. You can see the complete body of work in it's website (link below).
Darin's website
in PhotoBook
Maybe because I have a certain fascination with rovers that wander away from the glamour spotlight of the 'travelers', this photo book from Darin caught my attention. The reason I am suggesting it here is because the execution is remarkable. You can see the complete body of work in it's website (link below).
Darin's website
24 August 2012
21 August 2012
FOCUS: "Seacoal" by Chris Killip
"During an intermittent period of fourteen months spanning 1983 and 1984, Chris Killip photographed a small hardworking, but tight-knit community, located on the Northeastern coast of the United Kingdom. His subject is the families and individuals who were making their living collecting and selling the coal found on the shore line of this shore line. The coal that is found was called seacoal as thought to be coal arising from the sea. Killip’s project lay dormant until recently resurrected and developed into a published photobook."
in The Photo Book
Killip's website
To buy the book
in The Photo Book
Killip's website
To buy the book
18 August 2012
16 August 2012
FOCUS: "Preppers" by Emil Hartvig
"Emil Hartvig, a documentary/art photographer based in Copenhagen, recently returned from the Midwest where he photographed ‘preppers’ in their homes and surrounds. Preppers are those who are actively preparing for the end of the world—for society as we know it to collapse. These men, women and children study survival techniques as well as store weapons, ammunition and food in order to ready themselves for the end of modern society. They have varying beliefs on how the world will end including nuclear war, terrorism, natural disasters and/or economic collapse."
in Feature Shot
Theories of conspiracy can be seen as a legacy of the cold war, and these 'preppers' are just what is left of the paranoia that governments used as a major resource to control and repress the people. This body of work looks to me as an european perspective of these tribes of scared libertarians (US meaning). Personally, I get scared with these folks.
Emil's website
in Feature Shot
Theories of conspiracy can be seen as a legacy of the cold war, and these 'preppers' are just what is left of the paranoia that governments used as a major resource to control and repress the people. This body of work looks to me as an european perspective of these tribes of scared libertarians (US meaning). Personally, I get scared with these folks.
Emil's website
14 August 2012
11 August 2012
FOCUS: "Shadow of the Condor" by João Pina
"In 1975, at the height of the cold war, six Latin American countries ruled by right wing military dictatorships created Operation Condor, a secret military plan to eliminate their political opponents. This plan which carried out over 3 years ending in 1978, resulted in “extrajudicial executions” of at least 60.000 people, largely young leftist youths inspired the Cuban revolution and its role models like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Although Condor has long since ended, many relatives of the victims still don’t know what happened to their loved ones, and the majority of the of those responsible for their deaths and disappearances have never been brought to justice."
in Emphas.is
I remember the first book from João I had the pleasure to see, a book about the opponents of the portuguese authoritarian regime in Portugal that were imprisoned and tortured. A wonderful book dealing with something that I value much: memory. Now I see João facing the same challenge but with the ones that suffered from the dictatorships in South America. João had the good idea of getting crowdfunds for the project that was lay down in 3 phases. I had the opportunity and pleasure of backing João's project in the first 2 phases that were already concluded. Now, João is raising crowdfunds for the 3rd and last phase and I've already donated. Memory must be kept and the lessons must be embedded in our culture.
Please back João's project.
A detail a bathroom of Londres 38, a former clandestine detention and torture center during the miitary dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in downtown Santiago de Chile.
Although Condor has long since ended, many relatives of the victims still don’t know what happened to their loved ones, and the majority of the of those responsible for their deaths and disappearances have never been brought to justice."
in Emphas.is
I remember the first book from João I had the pleasure to see, a book about the opponents of the portuguese authoritarian regime in Portugal that were imprisoned and tortured. A wonderful book dealing with something that I value much: memory. Now I see João facing the same challenge but with the ones that suffered from the dictatorships in South America. João had the good idea of getting crowdfunds for the project that was lay down in 3 phases. I had the opportunity and pleasure of backing João's project in the first 2 phases that were already concluded. Now, João is raising crowdfunds for the 3rd and last phase and I've already donated. Memory must be kept and the lessons must be embedded in our culture.
Please back João's project.
A detail a bathroom of Londres 38, a former clandestine detention and torture center during the miitary dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in downtown Santiago de Chile.
10 August 2012
FOCUS: Fish-Work: The Bering Sea, by Corey Arnold
Corey Arnold, 1976, USA, is an Alaskan commercial fisherman as well as a documentary photographer. He received a BFA in photography at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. In 2011 he released the book Fish-Work: The Bering Sea which includes images that were made between 2003 and 2010 while he was working as a deckhand on the Bering Sea crabber f/v Rollo. (here)

Corey Arnold's website.
07 August 2012
05 August 2012
02 August 2012
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